Uh, Yeah, This is the Men’s Bathroom.

Dear Journal,

Those were the words of a nice unsuspecting guy to me today. I went into the men’s bathroom. 😶😬

Now before you call me a creep, it was a mistake!

Or was it? Haha, I’m joking. Really, it was a mistake, and it was at Walmart. I went to get “a few things” and ended up shopping for two hours for a lot of things. I was walking around the aisle and then suddenly needed to pee so badly I could barely stand. I couldn’t just leave my cart unattended, so, I ran to meet some Walmart employees and asked them to watch my cart and direct me to the bathroom.

I ran straight for the bathroom and dashed into the one on the far end. I was about to open one of the bathroom doors when I noticed the person standing in front of the mirror was a man. For a second I thought he was transgendered and doing the whole bathroom thing. But, our eyes met in the mirror and he was as surprised as I started to be. He turned around and I realized there was nothing transgendered about this guy. I then asked him if this was the men’s bathroom and he said “Uh, Yeah, This is the Men’s Bathroom.” He started to laugh and so did I before running out to the bathroom building across.

I guess it was the conclusion of my day that was filled with a lot of male encounters. I took pictures of the baseball team today at their inter-school game. It was cold out there!!!!! Jesus Christ! I was silently hoping they would cancel the game but they didn’t. Instead, I learned they even played in the rain. Nope, I’ll pass.

I spent $96 at the self-checkout at Walmart. Yeah, I also don’t what sorcery happened. I only wanted to buy some toilet paper and paper towels… and some skincare, and some cleaning supplies, and a box of kettle corn. And a pack of protein shakes just in case I ran out of the one I have at home. What? Don’t judge me. I don’t have a car to drive me to Walmart any time I want to go. I need to get everything all at once.

Eh. Whatever. I’m already a mess. I need another stream of income for sure. And I’m working on my discipline. That’s why I joined the track team, to force me to value my time more and stay focused while getting fit and staying in shape. It probably will make me so much more tired but it’s a relatively small price to pay. Practice starts next week so we’ll see.


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