New Chapter: Track & Field

Dear Journal,

I’m officially an ATHLETE!!! Today was my third time at a real-life track field and my first official track practice.

Two weeks ago I decided to join the track team at my school just because. Okay, maybe because I wanted to find an excuse to get fit and in better shape. And get abs. And grow a huge muscle butt. Whatever. The point is, I’m now an athlete! I have zero athleticism in me. But my coach and most people don’t think so. They say I look like an athlete and I tell them that looks sometimes lie. So like you imagined, I was extra nervous. Because they all had high expectations for me. Nope, bring those expectations down, I know nothing about being an athlete, I have only been poor most of my life. Haha.

I couldn’t practice with the team yesterday because I hadn’t cleared all my paperwork. I had to watch them practice and run 8 laps by myself around the field. The team is still in its baby phase with only 10 - 11 people on it now.

The rest of them were exhausted at the end of practice. And I didn’t feel a thing. I watched them do the last training exercise and repeated it. It wasn’t so bad. I can’t imagine why they were so breathless. Anyway, it was a good day’s workout and I’m feeling the fat burning away! *dancing with excitement*

I cannot wait to practice with the rest of them tomorrow! I’m going to run so fast! This is going to be an exciting journey.


Track Entry - Day 2


Travel Plans