New passion: American Government class.

"Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun.”

Two things that wake people up by 6 am sharp: their 9 alarms or the feeling that they're getting a suspiciously large amount of sleep. As for me, the excitement to get the hell out of my apartment and start a new major did the trick. Plus, the gym was hopefully going to start staying open until 6 pm instead of 4:30 pm. “Three little birds, pitched by my doorstep. Singing sweet songs!”

I exercised, brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed, and grabbed an apple on my way out of my apartment. It was cloudy this morning but the sun in my mind was already too bright. Got to my first class 15 minutes early and just read Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon while I waited. First class, an absolute blast! It was an astronomy class and I sat next to my buddy.

The next class, the Microcomp applications class, was a heartbreaker. I probably lost a few brain cells in the class too. The teacher was incredible though. I wasn’t excited about learning Microsoft Excel, Word, and Access. I could use those without a class and the lessons are painstakingly boring. Plus, I use a Vintage MacBook, which an Apple support representative called “obsolete.” So I couldn’t download those apps and I need them for my classwork and assignments. Eh, I’ll find a way.
Went back to work and a final class after that.

The final class was American Government. Wow. A non-American who came from NOTHING, with all the love for America a living being could possess, was taking an American Government class! Don’t wake me up. I absolutely LOVED it! And you bet your bottom dollar I sat in the front seat! I sat next to my buddy from Astronomy class. I learned the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Calm down, I’ll talk about my political views when I understand them better. Really excited for the next meeting time! Except… there was this guy from one of my classes last semester who just loooved to interrupt the teacher every chance he got. Lucky me, he’s in my American Government class. 🙄

Anyway, when I got back home, I made me some fried rice. No, let me rephrase that. I made me a large plate of fried rice. Yes, that sounds about right. When I was done eating, I listened to the Tim Ferriss show podcast for an hour. Then started to read when my roommate called about some issue they had with my other roommates.

So my reading was distracted and we had to have a meeting. Honestly cannot wait to get an apartment of my own, or with just an extra roommate. What’s stopping me? The rules surrounding F-1 visas. But I’ll find a way, I always do. Plus, I’m in America for goodness sake. The Land of Opportunities galore.

It’s 10 pm and time to start dealing with my occasional insomnia.

How big would you dream if you knew you couldn’t fail? I just thought about it.

Good night.


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