Wednesday’s child is full of W.O.E?

January 24, 2024

Dear Journal,

Today, something noteworthy happened in my self-defense class! And it involved another one of those people who interrupt the teacher EVERY SINGLE CHANCE they get.

Last semester, I was majoring in Graphic Design because I had been working as a freelancer before moving to the States. I also chose it because that was what I was great at. But, I changed my major this semester. Why? Because I’m one of those people who never had the answer to “What is your passion and dream career?” until yesterday during my Astronomy class. My passion is making money, a lot of it. So, whatever digital and sales skills I need to learn to give me at least two billion-dollar tech and design companies, I’m down. I completely agree with what an older friend told me today, “you should be an entrepreneur.”

I woke up early to use the bathroom. Checked the time when I came back to my room, and it was 4:11 am. MMMMMMM!!!! I could feel the joy move around my muscles when I saw I still had time to sleep so much I wanted to dance. The blanket never felt so comfortable. Woke up by 6:55 am because I ignored the first four alarms.

Got to work on time, attended my first class for the day, and then… by 1 pm, I went to my self-defense class.

The class teacher was this cheery little lady with an obvious terrifying side. She is a certified black belt and knows so many types of martial arts. The class consisted of about twelve women and three guys. The teacher was giving lessons on how to trust our guts and the basics of avoiding being victims. One of the guys, I think Patrick was his name, started being the ‘I gotta interrupt the teacher’ guy. And oh my goodness, this guy was great at his job. Did he settle for great though? Absolutely not. He went into complete God mode at this. He started trying to give his own lessons when he interrupted her, while adding at least 9 ‘uhs’ and ‘ums’ after each word.

While the ‘trust-your-gut’ lesson was going on, Patrick, who by the way was the most accurate definition of all creepy serial killers combined that I had ever seen, never stopped talking. His fellow creeper, a guy probably named Jake, who had this very suspicious limp, was constantly staring at all the women in that class that sat across from him. My friend Diamond sat beside me, and this guy never took his eyes off that area. Except of course, as my friend told me later, whenever he glued his eyes to the teacher’s butt as she moved around. He, on the other hand, was the embodiment of all rapists and killers combined. He stared with a slight smirk, and his head bowed. It made him look like the possessed characters from the horror movie Smile. He also never missed an opportunity to talk about his guns.

Oh please, I took a self-defense class and trusted my gut. No need to judge me for asserting them and using adjectives.

Anyhow, we’ll be seeing both of them come Monday again. Then, I will be sure to post an update. Especially since the teacher was on her last straw on patience when class ended.

I had an omelet with white corn tortillas for dinner. I also ran up and down a hill for an hour and 45 minutes. A physically attractive human almost walked by me while I was running. They got maybe shy or embarrassed to do that so they turned around. But we kind of locked eyes for 2 seconds. And no, the world and time did not stop.

It’s midnight and very much past my bedtime so, good night people. Watch out for creeps and be safe.

PS: W.O.E means What On Earth. Patrick made me do it.


Complaints? Really?


New passion: American Government class.