Title? It’s Whitewashed. Again.

Dear Journal,

I really didn’t want to make my entries focused on race and all the other “politics” of the world. But I keep bumping into these things and you promised to listen so, here we are.

Today started great! My hair looked bomb, I had my ripped jeans, black top, and platform sandals on. It was warm, and the sun on my skin felt like magic. I sound like one of those poetic books right now. In my head at least.

2:00 pm

I left my self-defense class feeling energized and a little disappointed. We worked with partners today but only had to air-punch and air-kick each other. Boringggg. I need some action! Anyways, my self-defense partner and I walked out together to one of the seats available in the hallway. The door to the office I work in was 10 steps from the seat we picked.

We started to talk about how more physical the class had gotten. I looked down, saw some students in pajama pants downstairs, and told her I would love to try styling a pajama outfit someday. I have this sleek maroon pajama set that looks very expensive. She stepped on the idea, and told me it was “white people shit”. We then landed on how she went to a predominantly white high school, and all the kids wore pajamas and leggings. That seemed okay to me. To her, I guess not.

She talked about how most white girls wore leggings all season round, and how they were not people to be friends with because they mostly turned out to be two-faced. And how most black dudes in her school would want to be around white guys and talk like them. Which in her opinion, makes them whitewashed. She explained that a Snowbunny was a white female with big bosoms and had told her little brother to focus on dating black girls only.

Yeah, I’m done. Is it a crime to be a big leggings fan? So what if someone emulates some things from another human being? Is it okay to make unhealthy stereotypes about a whole race of people? What the hell do you mean by acting white? What makes telling a younger sibling to not date someone outside their race okay? I left when I was done wasting my time out there instead of getting back to work.

Back at my desk, I decided to ask the opinion of a more mature and experienced WHITE MAN about what being whitewashed meant to him. Yeah I know, I capitalized the ‘white man’ for whatever reason you have in mind. He said he hadn’t even heard the word before then! So, the older you get, mentally and/or physically, the less you give a shit about race. Or at least that’s what the sane people would agree to.

I was later told I would be assisting with taking photos and videos of the baseball players tomorrow. Surrounded by so much testosterone in a room would be one heck of an experience for someone else. Not me though. I have been around it most of my entire life.

9:00 pm

I had a visual effects assignment that I kept procrastinating due by 11:59 pm. I packed a bag and went to one of the study rooms at the apartment to get more privacy and focus. But I just played music for an hour while having the Adobe After Effects software open on my laptop. I ended up turning it in by 11:50 pm half-baked. Oh well, it got done at least. I’m going to have to work more on my time management again. I need to get back to reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

My pile of seven borrowed books from the library hasn’t really dropped. Will work on that tomorrow. Yawn.


Purple Haze


Emergency Room Visitors’ Tag.