Track Entry - Day 3

Dear Journal,

There’s a new guy on the team today, and his name is Chase. I think his parents thought about him being a track runner when they named him. “Honey, I think our baby looks like a very light-skinned Usain Bolt already, we’ll name him Chase. Suits the aesthetic.”

And he turned out to be. Chase is so fast I wonder if he has some engine running his legs for him. He zoomed past me during the 100-meter practice, even though I started running ahead before he did. He said he ran track in high school just like everybody else, except me of course. He looked extremely fit and cut. I have a cause to do better now, it’s turning very competitive.

Plus, I’ve started to feel some aches in my legs. Shins to be precise. But it’s not something I can’t deal with. I think my muscles are regenerating. So, I’m just going to run with it. Pun very much intended.

I was limping a little when I got back home tonight. After today’s practice, I can feel my legs strrugling to keep up. I told coach after practice and he just said “get in shape”. So, there you have it. I told myself I’ll try to run around the apartments tonight.

I went straight to the library after Dyamond dropped Dheaven and I off. I had some assignments to work on that are due tomorrow. I am so happy I got those finished up.

9:30 pm

I went running to try to fix my legs that now feel much worse. I replicated today’s training for 40 minutes. Annnnnd I could not walk after I stopped. I tried to use a roller Katie gave me earlier to massage the part of my legs that hurt but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even look at my legs, let alone touch them.

So, I called Dheaven and Echo before going to their apertment to ask for help massaging them. I don’t think I have experienced that much pain in my bones before. And I have been flogged and beaten in a boarding school and beyond all my life. I have experienced pain. This, this was something different. Yes I screamed. A lot. I could barely walk back to my apartment.

I got another massage from my next door neighbor Ladi’s roommate. Subtler but still hurtful. Now, I’m about to sleep and I don’t know if I have the strength for another practice tomorrow.


Monday Night


The Empty Spaces