A New Phone.

Dear Journal,

AHHHHHHHHH!!! Have you ever felt like you started to see the world in HD for the first time? Have you ever felt like a whole new person? God! I feel so happy recounting the events. Eeeeeeeeee!!!!!

I bought a new phone today. And believe me, I felt like I was stepping into a whole new universe. I experienced technology all over again for the first time. It cost me a chunk of my savings but I think it’s a fair price to pay for the experience too.

I didn’t even see it in my future today. I was only going to buy a new MacBook charger with Emma at the mall. But I ended up window shopping at the mall for 2 hours before buying the charger in the Apple store, then driving 28 to 35 minutes to get other electronic devices I needed from this popular electronic store. It was my first time in a place like that in America and I kept asking Emma if the products sold here were legitimate. Back in my country, places like these were only packed with horribly fake products. But she reassured me and told me they would be shut down if they sold fake products. There, we got her an Apple watch, we bargained for a refurbished MacBook, and bought a flash drive with 256 GB storage space. That amount of storage space for a flash drive is mind-boggling to me.

On our way back home, we spoke about the t-shirt shop that I am trying to set up, and marketing it, and finally landed on how stupid it was for me to keep hoarding savings and not buy a new phone. We decided to go to a T-Mobile store to get one but then went to Walmart after because the worker at T-Mobile said I needed to buy through the network service provider that I currently use. But Walmart did not provide the options I wanted, so we decided to drive all the way back to the mall again.

Haha! What a day. It was meant to be spent buying a MacBook charger. But it completely blew out of scale and did not go according to plan at all. Love it! Emma told me she was having a great time watching me shop and just be me. I really do have a best friend.

This time at the mall, we got lost. But not for too long because I asked for directions from people, Emma wouldn’t have done that if she were alone. We found our way to the Apple store and I bought an iPhone 13! Me! With my own money! I was beyond proud. I can’t believe it. They wouldn’t accept my iPhone 7 for a trade in though.

We set it up back at my apartment and it took an hour instead of at most 20 minutes because nothing ever goes according to plan with me.

Later that night, I went downstairs to get a pack of gum from the vending machine and show my friends Echo and the boys my new phone. They couldn’t completely grasp why I was that happy for a new phone.

But, as much as I would love to explain exactly how I feel, they’d always be parts of my mind that words couldn’t express. I bought my first phone, the iPhone 7 that is, with all the money had earned from Upwork in 4 months. It was about $89 more or less. It was a refurbished one with a 32 GB storage space which I shared it with my brother for about a year. I’ll let your imagination do the work to evalute how happy I was when this phone came in. Fast forward to today, I bought an iPhone 13 with my money, in America that had a storage space of more 64 GB while my brother had saved enough to buy his too next week. Look how far we’ve come! I can’t even believe it.

I don’t appreciate my efforts most of the time and I tend to forget the how big of an ocean I had to cross, literally and figuratively to come to America.

Good night Journal, and cheers to finding new adventures with my new phone.




Weekend & Super Bowl Season